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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Exportación de rosas preservadas a Rusia
Autor : Cruz Ponluisa, Christian Paúl
Tutor : Escobar Moreno, Ricardo Daniel
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017
Citación : Cruz Ponluisa, C. P. (2017). Exportación de rosas preservadas a Rusia (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El presente trabajo de exportación por vía aérea de rosas preservadas a Rusia, fue desarrollado tomando como referencia varios aspectos favorables que posee el Ecuador en el tema relacionado a la producción y comercialización debido a su ubicación geográfica, diversidad de colores y variedades que se producen…
Descripción : The following Project about preserved rose’s exportation to Russia by airways, it was developed taking a lot of favorable and several aspects that Ecuador has about commercialization and production of preserved roses due to their geographical location, available of colors, varieties that are produced. Detailing prices, packaging, presentation and quantities of demand that the product has in national and international market. Including the process of production, distribution and diversity of suppliers that will stock the target market. Also it has, statistical information obtained from external sources as (TRADE MAP). These are analyzed to determine the product demand mentioned and the principal exporters of tariff code 0603.90.00.00 to Russia. Showing the feasibility of the project. In addition of this, investigating issues related to foreign trade, politics, economics and cultural factors about Russia, that allow us to understand the trends and the essential aspects that have been taken as a reference the final customers in Russia for the purchase of roses as preserved: natural colors, dimensions, low prices and the diversity of presentations that can be adapted to the customer requirements. In fact, the export process is detailed in depth from the contract’s signing with the importer. Agreeing the payment form that can be letters of credit or direct transfer. Followed by the acquisition of roses, the negotiation of rates with both consolidating companies and airlines. Finally, the products are monitored for all the processes to meet and reach the final destination. Providing the importer with the corresponding or additional documentation that he could needs for the preserved roses clearance without any problem in Kaliningrad - Russia. Concluding with the viability of the process of export of preserved roses to Russia and possible recommendations that allow to carry out the process without mishaps for both contractors.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/6766
Aparece en las colecciones: Tecnología en Exportaciones e Importaciones

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