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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Estudio comparativo (in-vitro), del grado de microfiltración, entre ionómero de vidrio y resina compuesta nanoparticulada en lesiones clase v no cariosas
Autor : Morillo Cárdenas, Eliana Carolina
Tutor : Flores Araque, María Elena
Fecha de publicación : 2014
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2014
Citación : Morillo Cárdenas, E. C. (2014). Estudio comparativo (in-vitro), del grado de microfiltración, entre ionómero de vidrio y resina Compuesta nanoparticulada en lesiones clase v no cariosas (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el grado de microfiltración de cada uno de los materiales dentales, en restauraciones clase V con ionómero de vidrio (Ketac Molar) y resina compuesta nanoparticulada (z350xt).Fueron seleccionados 60 premolares no cariosos extraídos por razones ortodónticas, luego de la extracción los especímenes y almacenados en suero fisiológico a 40c por un período no mayor a dos meses...
Descripción : The objective of the study was to evaluate the microleakage of each dental materials, in restorations class V with ionomer glass (Ketac Molar) and nanoparticulate composite resin (z350xt). Were chosen 60 non-carious premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons, after the extraction and specimens stored in saline at 40C for a period no longer than two months. Class V cavities wedge simulating (abrasion, erosion, abfraction) with 1.5 mm ball mills and cylindrical 2.0mm, 3mm were prepared by the depth of the cavity is related to the length of the active part of the cutter, in the direction occlusal-gingival, which will measure with a ruler, the gingival wall will extend to about 1 mm below the cementoenamel limit the buccal surface of each premolar. Were randomly divided into two groups: Group I n=30 ionomer glass restorations, Group II n=30 resin restorations nanoparticulate z350xt. Thereafter the specimen were insulated with varnish and was assessed in each restoration grade, microleakage scored, and each dental material as the specimens were immersed in blue methylene for 24 hours, and subjected to thermocycling with a prolonged period of 8 hours with 45 minutes. Subsequently they were washed with distilled water to remove the excess of blue methylene and then be sectioned longitudinally with a diamond disc...
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/1861
Aparece en las colecciones: Odontología

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