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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocio para la extracción y comercialización de aceite crudo de palma en el Ecuador
Autor : Pabón Paz, Liliana
Tutor : Rivadeneira Vallejo, Noé Milton
Fecha de publicación : 2009
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2009.
Citación : Pabón Paz, L. (2009). Plan de negocio para la extracción y comercialización de aceite crudo de palma en el Ecuador (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El objetivo general del plan de negocio es el establecimiento y operación de una planta extractora de aceite de palma que permita procesar la fruta proveniente de los palmicultores que conforman la Asociación Amazónica de Cultivadores de Palma y determinar la viabilidad financiera. El plan tiene un valor para la comunidad de la zona y ofrece una alternativa de asociatividad y de desarrollo de una de las regiones más apartadas y de menores ingresos para el país. En el análisis del entorno en el cual se determinó que el consumo mundial de aceites y grasas ha tenido un crecimiento ininterrumpido del 5% promedio anual en los últimos 5 años y de un 8% promedio anual de crecimiento respecto al aceite de palma, el cual se ha consolidado como el primero en el mundo en términos de producción…
Descripción : The main objective of the Business plan is the establishment and the correct operation of the oil palm extractor plant, the one who will allow to process the fruit from the people that are part of the Amazon Association af Palm Growers, and to determine the financial viability of the business. The business plan brings value to the community of the zone by offering a new alternative of growing and development for one of the most isolated and with the less income of the country. The analysis of the environment in which we determined that the global consumerism of oil and derivatives has had an uninterrupted growth of the 5% annual average in the last five years and an 8% annual average in relation with palm oil, the one that has consolidated worldwide as the first in terms of production. The economic growth registered in China and countries of Southeast of Asia, the elaboration of biofuels based on palm oil, the eating habits of consuming a less amount of saturated fat generate an increase in the consumption of vegetable oils in relation of animal fats. lt is estimated that this behavior will continue in the years to come. After the analysis , a market research was made, as a result was found that in Ecuador are excellent opportunities in the market for the commercialization of raw palm oil, this also occurs in international markets. Ace Palm S.A. will count with the functional organizational infrastructure, for which the objectives, strategies, and politics have been determined, so this will allow reaching the success of the business. The Vision, Mission and the corporate values had been determined, so all the personnel will and should act according to the implanted culture in the company, A differentiation of products, publicity and promotions and also strategic positioning plans had been design, with all this AcePalm S.A. will have the faculty to reach the profitable situation expected, by capturing the clients consider as the objective group. In the financial analysis, there have been some financial assumptions, by these assumptions we have developed six scenarios that confirm the business viability and profitability; these are scenarios are expected, optimistic, pessimistic, with leverage, without leverage.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/1404
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Comercial

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