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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocios para la creación de una tienda de marcas compartidas en la ciudad de Quito
Autor : Salazar Amores, Mauro Fabricio
Tutor : Orozco Jiménez, Mauricio Antonio
Fecha de publicación : 2014
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2014
Citación : Salazar Amores, M. F. (2014). Plan de negocios para la creación de una tienda de marcas compartidas en la ciudad de Quito (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El mercado de la moda se ha convertido en un sector de amplio desarrollo para las economías de los países por la gran cantidad de negocios inmersos en su desarrollo. En Ecuador, su gestión se encuentra en una fase introductoria la cual amerita la consecución de varias empresas que permitan su mayor apoyo e impulso. La disponibilidad de contar con una tienda de marcas compartidas, que brinde un espacio para la difusión de las diferentes colecciones de diseñadores ecuatorianos, representa una propuesta totalmente innovadora que el presente proyecto ha desarrollado en base a varios estudios que confirman su viabilidad y factibilidad. La tienda de marcas compartidas se conforma en base de una clara necesidad sustentada en contar con espacios adecuados y debidamente concebidos para que el cliente pueda encontrar productos de calidad, gozando de una atención eficiente y un espacio cómodo en donde pueda evaluar cada elemento para tomar la decisión de compra…
Descripción : The fashion market has become a huge sector for the economies of developing countries by the large number of businesses involved in its development. In Ecuador, its management is in an introductory phase which warrants the achievement of several companies that allow them greater support and encouragement. The availability of having a branded store, to provide a space for the dissemination of the collections of designers Ecuadorians, represents a totally innovative that this project has developed based on several studies that confirm its feasibility and practicality. The multibrand store base is formed into a clear need to have space supported by adequate and well designed so that the customer can find quality products, enjoying efficient care and a comfortable space in which to evaluate each item to make the purchase decision. With the developed approach, establishing an entirely new mechanism in the current market situation is expected to be adequately met by consolidating demand a market share which would cover with established budgets by. The established business innovative idea is supported by a proper infrastructure raised to create value in each proposed activity, having qualified in providing a comprehensive service where the client finds a special atmosphere that creates unforgettable experiences. To reduce the risks inherent in any business, we have defined a number of measures and contingency plans supported by specific studies which show totally motivating figures, potential investors participating in this project will provide a mechanism for increase the market growth in an area little known but have excellent professionals and designers that can lead a profitable business. In this case, the store offers a unique service that is based on both internal processes as well as in the developed strategies, which are aimed to provide adequate space designer and client quality products for clothing, accessories and products for home decoration found to be highly competitive. Financial results suggest that the business should be done, a situation that initiates a change in fashion in the country, with companies whose standards represent any capital in the world specializing in fashion, as domestic customers deserve.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/1368
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Marketing

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