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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para geolocalizar una solicitud de emergencia aplicada a los centros de policía comunitaria
Autor : Recto Cango, Alex Darío
Tutor : Sánchez Salazar, Iván Ricardo
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2020
Citación : Recto Cango, A. D. (2020). Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para geolocalizar una solicitud de emergencia aplicada a los centros de policía comunitaria (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : En la sociedad y en Ecuador, actualmente existen diversas soluciones tecnológicas implementadas a nivel nacional, las cuales, permiten reportar emergencias a las instituciones de respuestas como son; Policía Nacional, Comunitaria, Metropolitana y Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU 911, en el funcionamiento de las aplicaciones con las que trabajan las instituciones antes mencionadas se ha identificado ciertas brechas que se debe considerar, por ejemplo, alguna de estas son informativas y otras permiten realizar monitoreo de las emergencias reportadas...
Descripción : In society and in Ecuador, there are currently various technological solutions implemented at the national level, which allow reporting emergencies to response institutions such as; National, Community, Metropolitan Police and Integrated Security Service ECU 911, in the operation of the applications with which the aforementioned institutions work, certain gaps have been identified that should be considered, for example, some of these are informative and others allow to perform monitoring of reported emergencies. The implementation of the platform that was developed in this research work has a priority focus for emergency care, which are; theft from homes, economic units, vehicles, people, homicides, among others, in order to properly manage the information received from possible events that occur within the perimeter assigned to each UPC, in addition to the aforementioned requirement, this A data management tool will allow the police administrator to have a single access to the functions it provides. The development of the application is focused on the ideal operation of the neighboring user's mobile and also that the interface is friendly, at the time of notifications of the events, on the other hand it is designed under the guidelines that the community police unit requires and with external variables that provide the necessary information and in this way respond in a timely manner to the incidents that have been reported, and they will be directed to the emergency platform. Firebase allows the deployment of multiple projects in one. Thanks to the flexibility that this tool provides to developers, the emergency platform was structured to later facilitate the integration of the mobile solution, where the functionalities of the different modules were used, such as; the authentications of the users to the platform and the application, in order to verify the registered information of both the police and community users, the database, in which all the emergency data will be received, it is worth mentioning that its functionality will be in real time and back-end functions, which allowed search optimization of the location of the closest UPCs.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/12424
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Redes y Telecomunicaciones

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