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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Evaluación del potencial del carbón activado y de la zeolita como catalizadores de un proceso de oxidación avanzada (POA)
Autor : Gavilanes Salazar, Paola Maribel
Tutor : Sigcha Terán, Viviana Pavlova
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019
Citación : Gavilanes Salazar, P. M. (2019). Evaluación del potencial del carbón activado y de la zeolita como catalizadores de un proceso de oxidación avanzada (POA) (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : La generación de lixiviados en rellenos sanitarios es un problema que en la actualidad enfrentan todos los países a nivel mundial. La ausencia de control y adecuados tratamientos perjudica directamente a los ecosistemas y la salud humana...
Descripción : The generation of leachates in sanitary landfills is a problem that currently face all countries worldwide. The absence of control and adequate treatments directly harms ecosystems and human health. In Ecuador, 38 percent of GADs have sanitary landfills and 9.7 percent open dumps, in which no treatment is applied to leachates (INEC, 2014). The characteristics of the leachate depend on factors such as: the composition of the waste, age of the landfill or dump, design and operation of the site, solubility of the deposited material and applied treatments. Leachates can present high concentrations of toxic organic and inorganic or even microbiological compounds (Contreras, 2006). The development of new depurative technologies, for the treatment of leachates that enhance existing ones, that allow compliance with the limits established in the current national legislations is one of the concerns of the researchers (Carvajal, 2014). Some research cited in this study mention that activated carbon and zeolite are potential materials for the reduction of pollutant load and have been used in several leachate and water processes. These materials modified by the action of heat and the use of acids are used as catalysts and adapted to different needs (Dafinov, 2012). The development of these new processes is known as advanced oxidation processes (POAs), where combinations of an oxidizing agent such as 50 percent hydrogen peroxide are used, with catalysts activated carbon, zeolite and UV radiation, which remove contaminants present in the water. The best results have been obtained with activated carbon, as a catalyst and hydrogen peroxide (50 percent H2O2) (Vicent, 2017). The present study focuses on the advanced oxidation of leachates, to improve their qualitative parameters, such as: color, COD, turbidity, using activated carbon and zeolite as catalysts.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/11541
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Ambiental en Prevención y Remediación

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