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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Frecuencia y causas para el alargamiento de corona clínica con o sin osteotomía en el Centro de Atención Odontológica de la UDLA en el periodo de marzo – octubre 2017
Autor : Badillo León, Álvaro Sadoc
Tutor : Samaniego Melcumian, Emma María
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018
Citación : Badillo León, Á. S. (2018). Frecuencia y causas para el alargamiento de corona clínica con o sin osteotomía en el centro de atención odontológica de la UDLA en el periodo de marzo – octubre 2017 (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El alargamiento de la corona clínica se ha posicionado como un procedimiento de rutina en la consulta odontológica asociado a conseguir una buena salud periodontal, que es un requisito indispensable dentro de la práctica odontológica ya sea por motivos estéticos, funcionales y protésicos...
Descripción : The lengthening of the clinical crown has been positioned as a routine procedure in the dental practice, associated with achieving good periodontal health, which is an indispensable requirement in dental practice with an esthetic, functional and prosthetic reasons. The objective of the present study is determining the frequency and the main causes for performing a clinical crown lengthening that includes or not bone remodeling. Materials and methods: The record of clinical crown lengthening was obtained in the operating room of the dentistry faculty of the University of the Americas, where 67 verified cases were collected through the data collection form in the sample period selected. Results: The frequency with which crown lengthening was performed in the selected period was 91 occasions, 24 clinical histories were not found, so the universe of the sample was reduced to 67 proven clinical histories of which 61.19% they needed bone remodeling (osteotomy). The main causes to perform this surgical procedure were the presence of subgingival margins (26.87%), cement decays and coronary fractures both with (20.97%). Of the total of cases, 11 clinical records (16.42%) were found without any physical evidence in the clinical history of being subjected to some type of clinical crown lengthening. Conclusions: It was determined that the diagnosis by subgingival margins is the main cause to perform a lengthening of the crown in the operating room of the faculty, and that the relevant postoperative treatment is the endodontic treatment (31.34%).
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/8455
Aparece en las colecciones: Odontología

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