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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Propuesta de una campaña de comunicación orientada a prevenir y minimizar el maltrato infantil para el Instituto de la Niñez y la Familia (INFA) dirigida a las comunidades rurales del cantón Otavalo provincia de Imbabura
Autor : Mantilla Peñafiel, Andrea Tatiana
Tutor : Monteverde Sevilla, María Belén
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2010
Citación : Mantilla Peñafiel, A. T. (2010). Propuesta de una campaña de comunicación orientada a prevenir y minimizar el maltrato infantil para el Instituto de la Niñez y la Familia (INFA) dirigida a las comunidades rurales del cantón Otavalo provincia de Imbabura (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como fin colaborar con el Instituto de la Niñez y la Familia (INFA) en su lucha contra el maltrato infantil en las comunidades rurales del cantón Otavalo provincia de Imbabura, para ello se realizará una campaña de comunicación la cual utilizará herramientas factibles y precisas que le permitirán llegar al público objetivo...
Descripción : The present work of investigation has as end collaborate with the lnstitute of the Childhood and the Family (INFA) in his fight against the infantile mistreatment in the rural communities of the canton Otavalo lmbabura province, for it there will be realized a campaign of communication which will use feasible and precise tools that will allow him to come to the objective public .lt used a media campaign which will use feasible and precise tools that allow you to reach the target. Considering the access and level of education in which they find the communities to whom the campaign is directed alliances wi\1 be realized by the principal mass media of the province, radio (Satellite FM) and television (channel Tv Norte), since they are of great reception between the notable population, one will use printed visual means as the flayers and one will possess the active participation of entities. They are of great acceptance among the target population, will use visual media such as printed flyers, and will have the active participation of organizations like the DINAPEN Directions of policeman specialty in children and teens and the municipality of Otavalo which contribute to the campaign. Will also train community leaders for through seminars and talks, we will reach children across all rural schools through interactive tactics like puppet shows, sports marathon, contest etc., which have implicit messages against child abuse. To carry out this investigation, the type of study used a descriptive exploratory scope, methods like inductive, deductive, analytical, synthesis, and statistical observation. This project aims to develop a series of documents and informative guides aimed at facilitating the design and implementation of projects against violence and child abuse, as well as the possibility remains open to further research that can be extended and deepened.
URI : http://localhost:8080/handle/33000/829
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Comunicación Corporativa

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