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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Evaluación del efecto de la salinidad sobre el crecimiento y acumulación de lípidos en microalgas provenientes de áreas protegidas del Ecuador
Autor : Eldredge Salazar, Nikole Vanesa
Tutor : Chico Terán, Mayra Fernanda
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017
Citación : Eldredge Salazar, N. V. (2017). Evaluación del efecto de la salinidad sobre el crecimiento y acumulación de lípidos en microalgas provenientes de áreas protegidas del Ecuador (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Las microalgas son microorganismos fotosintéticos con altas tasas de crecimiento, capaces de adaptarse a una amplia gama de ambientes…
Descripción : Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms with high growth rates, capable of adapting to a wide range of environments. However, in spite of a great variety of microalgae, not all of them are useful as a raw material for the production of biofuels, such as biodiesel. For the selection of a microalgae strain against another, is essential evaluated kinetic parameters such as growth rate (micrometer), doubling time (td), cell density and other parameters like biomass production and lipid accumulation. During the evaluation of kinetic parameters, growth rate (micrometer), doubling time (td) and cell density in Pleurococcus sp., Desmodesmus sp., and Scenedesmus sp., no statistically significant differences were observed. However, Pleurococcus sp., showed a higher fat accumulation 2.63 percent. Also, afterDesmodesmus sp., Pleurococcus sp., was the genus with the highest biomass production 0.62 g. L-1. For this reason, Pleurococcus sp., was chosen for the evaluation of the salinity effect in three concentrations 10 mM (T1), 25 mM (T2) and 50 mM (T3). Under the effect of salinity, it was observed that the growth rate (micrometer) tends to decrease as salt concentration increases, while biomass production is slightly favored. The highest biomass production in Pleurococcus sp., was 0.32 g. L-1 in T3. While the best percentage of total fat accumulation (2.41 percent), was reached at T1. Finally, during the evaluation of the lipid profile of the best treatment T1, it was observed that the highest percentage of accumulation was unsaturated fatty acids with 1.66. Palmitic acid (C16: 0), oleic acid (C18: 1n9 cis omega 9) and linoleic acid (C18: 2n6 cis omega 6) were the highest fatty acids; however, the increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids and omegas 3 and 6
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/8228
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Biotecnología

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