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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Comparación del efecto de propilenglicol vs. Grasas by pass en toros normando en etapa de finalización sobre parámetros zootécnicos e indicadores de laboratorio en Montúfar - Carchi
Autor : Revelo Salazar, Ricardo Andrés
Tutor : Cárdenas Aguilera, Cristian Fernando
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017
Citación : Revelo Salazar, R. A. (2017). Comparación del efecto de propilenglicol vs. Grasas by Pass en toros normando en etapa de finalización sobre parámetros zootécnicos e indicadores de laboratorio en Montúfar-Carchi (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito
Resumen : El objetivo del estudio fue comparar los efectos producidos por el Propilenglicol y la Grasa By Pass frente al Testigo mediante evaluación de parámetros zootécnicos: ganancia de peso acumulada “GP”, ganancia diaria de peso “GDP”, e indicadores de laboratorio relacionados con la función lipídica: colesterol, triglicéridos y HDL...
Descripción : The objective of the study was to compare the effects produced by Propylene Glycol and Fat By Pass versus Witness by means of evaluation of zootechnical parameters: accumulated weight gain (GP), daily weight gain (GDP), and laboratory indicators related to the function Lipid: cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL. Thirty-five male Norman cattle were used at the end of the study, aged 1 year 8 months up to 2 years 1 month. The animals under study were chosen under the inclusion and exclusion criteria proposed; The animals were identified, the tracking cards were collected, the protocols were developed to standardize activities and finally the additives were started for 60 days. The animals were weighed every 15 days and for laboratory indicators blood samples were taken every 30 days. The results showed that the group with administration of Propylene Glycol (Group P) was superior in GP (39.58 kg / animal) on the group with Fat By Pass (Group G) and Group Witness (Group T); With respect to GDP, Propylene Glycol achieved a superior result (0.7192 kg / animal / day) over the remaining two groups .For cholesterol, the ANOVA analysis showed significant differences with a p-value 0.05 in the last sampling, with the means of Group G and T being higher than those of Group P; For triglycerides between the initial sampling and the final sampling there are no significant differences between the means of the groups; Finally the values for HDL between the initial sampling and the final sampling, a significant difference was presented with a p-value 0.05, the mean of the P Group being greater than the means of Group G and T. In the financial analysis, Group P Showed a positive result with a figure of 1.04 dollars compared to the remaining groups.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/8117
Aparece en las colecciones: Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia

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