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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Aplicación de un protocolo de fortalecimiento de músculos respiratorios con válvula threshold® vs ejercicios diafragmáticos
Autor : Reyes Morocho, Adriana Vanessa
Tutor : Freire Castañeda, María Augusta
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017
Citación : Reyes Morocho, A. V. (2017). Aplicación de un protocolo de fortalecimiento de músculos respiratorios con válvula threshold® vs ejercicios diafragmáticos (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Antecedentes: Enfocados en la función respiratoria, es importante mencionar que los pacientes adultos mayores sufren cambios fisiológicos, anatómicos y biológicos que resultan en la pérdida de fuerza y potencia de los músculos de la respiración, esto influye en la disminución de la capacidad funcional del sistema respiratorio, situación que asociada a la institucionalización del paciente, lo predisponen a un estado vulnerable acompañado de disminución en su autonomía y calidad de vida...
Descripción : Background: Function focused breathing is important to mention that older adult patients suffer from physiological, anatomical and biological changes that result in the loss of strength and power of the muscles of respiration, this influences the decrease of the functional capacity of the respiratory system, that situation associated with the institutionalization of the patient, they predispose a vulnerable situation accompanied by decline in their autonomy and quality of life. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of a protocol with load valve muscle strengthening exercises threshold (Threshold IMT®) in respiratory muscles in the institutionalized elderly. Materials and methods: were included in the study 20 patients older institutionalized older adults 65 years of age, which were randomly divided into 2 groups: a group control (GC) who was diaphragmatic exercises and a group experimental (GE) who was a protocol of respiratory muscle strengthening with loading valve threshold (Threshold IMT). The two groups carried out protocols for five weeks, three times a week, once a day. Results: Statistical analysis showed a significant difference intergroup in the meter travels through a six-minute walk test, about the Pimax, Pemax, respiratory rate, pulse, saturation of oxygen and scale modified Borg were not statistically significant, however showed clinical significance. Due to the slight increase of 12.4 cm H 2 O in the experimental group versus 7 cm H 2 O in the control group. Regarding the pulse and respiratory rate, no significant difference was observed, however, there was clinical significance, since baseline values were reduced in both variables in both the experimental and control groups. There was no significant difference in oxygen saturation in either group. The sensation of perception to the effort increased from 4 to 5, considering that the intensity of the exercise increased.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/7611
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Fisioterapia

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