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dc.contributor.advisorTatés Almeida, Karol Francielene-
dc.creatorMontero Patiño, Byron Patricio-
dc.identifier.citationMontero Patiño, B. P. (2017). Prevalencia de la maloclusion de la clase III en etnia indígena del cantón Saraguro en la Provincia de Loja en pacientes entre 15-30 años (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionObjective: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Angle Class three Malocclusion in the indigenous ethnic group in the Saraguro and mestizo canton in the city of Loja - Loja Province. Method: The research consisted in collecting a purely clinical sample about the molar relation to people who all six pieces have erupted and in occlusion. This study was carried out under biosecurity standards, followed by the process of taking extra oral photographs to observe the type of facial profile and intraoral photographs to determine the type of occlusion of the patients. People with orthodontic appliances and total removable prostheses were generally discarded, in order to make the sample effective. The occlusion observed was Class three of Angle. Results: In this research it was shown that the indigenous ethnicity obtained 6.0 percent, while the mestiza rated with 2.0 percent of Angle three. In addition, the facial profile emphasizes that Angles class three molar relationship has 8.0 percent of concave profile type in the indigenous and mestizo ethnic groups. In the male genus, 6.0 percent was obtained with Angle three molar ratio whereas in the female genotype we obtained 5.0 percent Angle three molar ratio. Therefore, the age prevalence in the Angle Class three molar ratio was between 17-28 years of age. Conclusions: This study concludes that the indigenous ethnic group presented a 6.00 percent result with Class three occlusion, accompanied by a concave profile, in relation to the mestizo ethnicity.en
dc.description.abstractObjetivo: Esta investigación fue dirigida a determinar cuál es la prevalencia de la Maloclusión Clase tres de Angle en la etnia indígena en el Cantón Saraguro y la mestiza en la Ciudad de Loja - Provincia de Loja. Método: La investigación consistió en recolectar una muestra netamente clínica acerca de la relación molar a personas que posean todas las piezas seis erupcionadas y en oclusión...es_ES
dc.format.extent43 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017es_ES
dc.titlePrevalencia de la maloclusion de la clase III en etnia indígena del cantón Saraguro en la Provincia de Loja en pacientes entre 15-30 añoses_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Odontología

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