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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Construcción de un pozo de bajo costo para monitorear la calidad del agua subterránea en la granja de Nono
Autor : Garzón Navas, Carlos Alberto
Tutor : Piedra Burgos, Santiago Daniel
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016
Citación : Garzón Navas, C. A. (2016). Construcción de un pozo de bajo costo para monitorear la calidad del agua subterránea en la granja de Nono (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Aproximadamente el 20 por ciento del agua que el mundo emplea proviene de acuíferos y cada vez su valor va en aumento, de igual manera cerca del 40 por ciento de las superficies destinadas para el riego depende del agua subterránea…
Descripción : Approximately 20percent of the drinking water comes from the aquifers and the demand is increasing every time, similarly 40 percent of areas intended for irrigation depend on groundwater. The two sectors that contribute to pollution of the groundwater are agriculture and livestock. In Ecuador it is reported that water extraction by its origin comes from three sources: 96.83 percent of surface water from lakes and rivers, groundwater 3.15 percent and 0.02 percent of desalinated water. The aim of this study was to build and dig a low cost monitoring well to monitor the groundwater quality in the Nono farm. The drilling methodology of the well was the Hand Auger technique, which was conformed of a piezometer, PVC pipes, bit and a handle. By spectrometric analysis and monitoring multiparameter meter the following characterization of groundwater were found: cyanide (0,01 mg/L CN), copper (0,07 mg/L Cu), DQO (1 mg/L O2), DBO (0 mg/L O2), hierro (1,63 mg/L Fe), nitrates (0,5 mg/L NO3 -), nitrites (0,015 mg/L NO2 -), lead (1,32 mg/L Pb), sulfates (< 10 mg/L SO4), ammonium (6,6 mg/L NH4), phosphates ( 0,211 mg/L PO4 3-), total solids (2,422 g/L STT), total hardness (114 mg/L CaCO3), chlorides (34,47 mg/L) and fecal coliforms (4000 ufc). The results suggest that hand auger is an economical technology that can be used to find unconfined aquifers less than 10 meters where there are sandy soils.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/6472
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Ambiental en Prevención y Remediación

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