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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Propuesta de diseño de una línea de accesorios para ciclismo urbano y campaña de concientización que aporte con la seguridad del usuario e incentive el uso de la bicicleta como medio de transporte alternativo
Autor : Alarcón Coka, Alejandro Nicolás
Tutor : Fruci Gómez, Juan Francisco
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016
Citación : Alarcón Coka, A. N. (2016). Propuesta de diseño de una línea de accesorios para ciclismo urbano y campaña de concientización que aporte con la seguridad del usuario e incentive el uso de la bicicleta como medio de transporte alternativo (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El proyecto está dividido en 6 capítulos donde se lleva a cabo el proceso de investigación y desarrollo del mismo. El capítulo I será fundamentado en base al problema, como la imprudencia de los conductores, el incremento de tráfico automovilístico y la falta de accesorios de seguridad para el uso del ciclista urbano...
Descripción : This project is divided into 6 chapters where the process of research and development takes place. Chapter I is based on the basis of the problem, as the recklessness of drivers, increasing automobile traffic and lack of safety equipment for the use of urban cyclist. Background, problem statement, justification, overall and specific objectives are explained. Finally an exploratory descriptive scope was taken to carry out the research project. Chapter II shows the theoretical framework of the project, including topics such as secure mobility in Quito, legal frameworks for cyclists and manual movement of traffic on the roads of Quito. Examples are listed and their relevance to the project design is assessed. Chapter III discusses the methodology used for this project. Joint research approach is taken, also the variables are described. Also, the universe of study is calculated and the “Design Thinking” methodology is adopted to follow in the design process. Chapter IV research and development. This shows an extensive collection and analysis of referents, products and references of road safety are taken into account. The history of transportation and the invention of the bicycle are also written. Campaigns and activism within the city of Quito are referenced and discussed for the project. A classification of accessories is reached and the tools that will take the project through the road are described. In Chapter V the proposal develops an analysis where necessary aspects are determined to make the right design, validations and product specifications are carried out for a correct evaluation of each product. Sketches are proposed and finally the final proposal is stated. The conclusions and recommendations take part in chapter VI.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/6431
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfico e Industrial

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