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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Representaciones de género y etnicidad en la televisión ecuatoriana y su incidencia en las audiencias: caso de estudio la pareja feliz
Autor : Játiva Bautista, Paola Michelle
Tutor : Luengo Baeza, Francisca
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016
Citación : Játiva Bautista, P. M. (2016). Representaciones de género y etnicidad en la televisión ecuatoriana y su incidencia en las audiencias: caso de estudio la pareja feliz (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El objetivo del estudio es describir los factores de protección y la capacidad de resiliencia de los adolescentes de la fundación Ecuasol...
Descripción : The objective of this study is to describe the factors of protection and the capacity of resilience of the teenagers of “Ecuasol”. In order to do so this study stablished the capacity of resilience of these adolescents, investigating the protection factors that these teenagers have within “Ecuasol” which are differentiated by gender and age. This investigation’s focus is a mix sequential descriptive with a qualitative predominance which was elaborated in two phases. The first phase was to analyze the data obtained according to the score from the Wagnild and Young resilience scale (Peruvian adaptation, 2002); during the second phase semi-structured interviews were given and the results were processed by content analysis. During this study an intentional nonprobabilistic sample was used which abided by the criteria related to the investigation during the first phase as well as the second phase. The investigation considered positive psychology which studies the resilience, strength, and protective factors of human beings. The results obtained demonstrate that the teenagers of “Ecuasol” possess a moderately-high capability of resilience and that the outstanding protection factors are: internal factors, primarily the social competency, self-esteem, autonomy and sense of life; and the external factors are: family ties, their significant adult and their institutional support system. Finally, I could conclude that these factors interact amongst themselves and strengthen each other and provide resources for these teenagers to be able to face adversity and poverty, directing them towards a healthy and rich future. Key words: resilience, protection factors, teenagers, self-teem, autonomy, sense of life, family ties, significant adult, and institutional support system, positive psychology.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/5147
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Periodismo

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