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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocios para la elaboración y exportación de bolsas de té a base de ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi) a los Países Bajos
Autor : Almeida Veintimilla, Melany Lorena
Rivas Recalde, Diana Carolina
Tutor : Cortez Granda, Edmundo Francisco
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016.
Citación : Almeida Veintimilla, M. L.; Rivas Recalde, D. C. (2016). Plan de negocios para la elaboración y exportación de bolsas de té a base de ayahuasca (benisteriopsis caap) a los Países Bajos (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El presente plan de negocios plantea la creación de una empresa que elabore y exporte bolsas de té a base de la planta Ayahuasca a Países Bajos...
Descripción : The current business plan proposes the creation of a company that will develop and export tea bags of Ayahuasca to the Netherlands. Ayahuasca is a plant found in the Ecuadorian Amazon that has unique medicinal properties, several studies have mentioned that the consumption of this plant could be considered as a natural tool to improve the well-being perceived by an individual, as well as helping people that suffer from anxiety, depression, Parkinsons disease, help drug addicts in rehabilitation processes, among others. The product consists in tea bags prepared of 100% Ayahuasca roots. The product will feature an organic certification from the European Union (EU) in order to ensure the consumer obtains a safe product that meets the high demand for value-added products that are characteristic of this industry. The export process will be developed by an intermediary broker, an expert in the Dutch market, that will distribute the product to the target market: men and women who are living in urban areas of the Netherlands, with an age range of 20-64 years that belong to the socioeconomic levels A/B, C and C+. The Netherlands is the fifth largest consumer of tea in the EU, 90% of the Dutch population drinks tea, and their annual consumption is 90 liters per capita, which translates into more than two cups a day per person. Additionally, the Netherlands has no domestic production of tea, so the country completely depends on its imports; there is no direct competition in that market for Ayahuasca tea. This business plan requires an initial investment of US$112,182.00, which includes the value of labor capital, the cost of the initial stock, machinery and equipment, among other pre-operating expenses. The break-even point will be reached in the tenth month of the first year; at the end of the first fiscal year, profit will be obtained. In addition, the results of the Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return of the analyzed scenarios in the financial plan of this business plan were positive and exceeded the minimum rate of return that was set, so the project is considered profitable.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/4705
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Negocios Internacionales

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