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dc.contributor.advisorBedón Garzón, René Patricio-
dc.creatorVelásquez Sánchez, Ángel Oswaldo-
dc.identifier.citationVelásquez Sánchez, A. O. (2011). El derecho de la naturaleza a la restauración en caso de incidentes hidrocarburíferos. (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe legal responsibility for the task was and is one of the institutions that oncern and has received attention from lawyers and legal scholars, which is understandable, given that within a coercive order as the law regulating conduct and behavior, both in individual life of the person, such as that developed on the basis of the community to which we digest, is inseparable link the events materialized, which are nothing else than the manifestation of individuality of each person the same, so it is possible to compare whether these behaviors are or are not within the generally accepted standards of conduct that is within the budgets of the rule of law. Legal liability, is therefore the duty of every person to answer for their actions and accountable for them against third parties. These acts may be encased in a wide range of possibilities, however, employing this research are those that make or infer harm to others and therefore must be repaired and proscribed by the principle of justice, since it is basic warranty offers live under the rule of law to society as a whole. But the legal technique has established specific paradigms for these wrongful acts now turned to the detriment of others will be attributable to a particular person and therefore they will require for the necessary duty of repair in accordance with statutory criteria statues. These criteria traditionally in almost all families of law has been that in order to verify the existence of an individuals responsibility for damages caused to third parties, it is imperative the concurrence of the guilt or malice in the act harmful ie that the responsibility is related to subjective considerations such as the behavior, this trend is that has excelled in the Civil Law has been the subject of sentences like this "no liability without fault", which was considered unavoidable legal certainty to the present. Notwithstanding the foregoing, under the new paradigms of contemporary times, the same is marked by a prodigious and rapid development of mankind in different corners of life (emphasizing the social, economic, political and technological), the have been under threat or risk unprecedented in history, theHuman Rights most often are undermined and increasingly becomes more difficult to identify those responsible for them, because of legal persons and impersonal immeasurable proportions enter the scene as subjects of interaction, participation spaces premium technology and massive influence which also by the mere exercise of their activities have created huge risks that threaten human groups indeterminate (to quote small examples) are arguments sufficient to change the worldview of law and of course the responsibility criteria for obvious reasons that were obsolete. It is therefore an incontrovertible truth that the traditional responsibility criteria have been overwhelmed and unable to meet the new realities, so that the standard of liability and should not be based on behavior ratings alone, but on objective questions (factual) to change the traditional legal principle cited in the preceding lines of "no harm without charge", is an efficient way to not be permissible to impunity, in a world where it is very complex to single behaviors. Finally this is the current perspective of legal liability in the law, which is inexorably intertwined with the sanction must also become peculiar in certain situationsen
dc.description.abstractAños atrás nacen importantes propuestas para reconocer a la naturaleza dentro de un cuerpo normativo, con el afán de determinar los daños ocasionados a la misma. Dentro de estas propuestas el Ecuador en su constitución de la Republica del año 2008 se constituye en el primer país sudamericano en reconocer a la naturaleza como sujeto de derecho. Mi trabajo de investigación enfoca un mayor control normativo del impacto ambiental, en zonas donde se realizan las actividades hidrocarburiferas, mediante la aplicación de los derechos otorgados a la naturaleza en nuestra constitución y que tales derechos sean dirigidos a a restauración de daños ambientales ocasionados...es_ES
dc.format.extent77 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2011es_ES
dc.titleEl derecho de la naturaleza a la restauración en caso de incidentes hidrocarburíferoses_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Derecho

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