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dc.contributor.advisorOña Quizanga, José Alfredo-
dc.creatorChiariello Mora, Ángela-
dc.identifier.citationChiariello Mora, Á. (2015). Programas de control y gestión ambiental para diseño de un centro de investigación, rehabilitación y rescate de fauna silvestre (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionEcuador, is considered between the seventeen megadiverse countries worldwide due to its rich biodiversity; however, nowadays when it comes to fauna diversity, there are several problems because of the loss of natural habitats, overexploitation, poaching and poorly developed projects to reduce related problems and their proper management This paper aims to develop Environmental Management Programs for the design of a research, rehabilitation and rescue wildlife center in YACHAY Knowledge City, which will house wild animals in the area influenced by the project and the nor them part of the country. During the Technical Management part of the project was found the appropriate location, the functional organizational structure for operational areas and their need for staff, basic environmental guidelines for architectural design base and a projection of the species that are going to be received and their food. The environmental supervision determined the negative environmental potential impacts during the phase of construction of the center as taking account of the interaction between different activities with their respective environmental factors, on the other hand, the General Environmental Risk Assessment phase of construction, operation and abandonment was performed by applying evaluation criteria established by the Public Company YACHAY EP, besides the Operational Environmental Management Plan of the Centre, which dictates management and control measures. Finally Economic Management assessment and a proposal for capital expenditure and maintenance was performed.en
dc.description.abstractEcuador, se encuentra dentro de los 17 países mega diversos a nivel mundial, debido a su riqueza en biodiversidad, sin embargo hoy en día en lo que a diversidad faunística se refiere, existen varios problemas debido a la pérdida de hábitats naturales, sobreexplotación, caza furtiva y un escaso desarrollo de proyectos encaminados a combatir la problemática relacionada y su gestión adecuada. El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como finalidad el desarrollar Programas de Control y Gestión Ambiental y hacer el diseño del Centro de Investigación, Rehabilitación y Rescate de fauna silvestre de la Ciudad del Conocimiento YACHAY, el cual albergará animales silvestres decomisados y capturados de la zona de influencia del proyecto y la parte norte del país...es_ES
dc.format.extent266 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2015es_ES
dc.titleProgramas de control y gestión ambiental para diseño de un centro de investigación, rehabilitación y rescate de fauna silvestrees_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Ambiental en Prevención y Remediación

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