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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de manejo del predio San Juan de la Escalera en la parroquia de Nono, cantón Quito, provincia de Pichincha
Autor : González Sampedro, Holguer Paúl
Tutor : Hernández Zuñiga, Luis Alberto
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2010
Citación : González Sampedro, H. P. (2010). Plan de manejo del predio San Juan de la Escalera en la parroquia de Nono, cantón Quito, provincia de Pichincha (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Este trabajo de tesis tiene como objetivo fundamental implementar un plan de manejo predial con énfasis en la zonificación, inventario forestal, y programas de manejo. Se investigó en el predio San Juan de la Escalera, la zona pertenece a la parroquia de Nono, cantón Quito...
Descripción : The fundamental objective of this thesis is to implement a property management plan with emphasis on zoning, forest inventory, and management programs. It was investigated in the San Juan de la Escalera, the area belongs to the parish of Nono, canton Quito (X: 17S 769148 E; Y: 9991395 N UTM). The first step was the gathering of basic information about the parish and relevant aspects of the property, which allowed obtaining the theoretical tools necessary for the subsequent analysis. Geographical information systems (GIS) and aerial photographs were used to prepare topographic maps of the location, vegetation cover and land use, isohyets, isotherms, slopes and the land was zoned according to the use of the land in five zones with its norms of established management. The property was then divided into three zones and the trees were recorded using the stratified sampling methodology, gathering information inherent to the name of the species, its height and diameter, this allowed to calculate the average of trees, the average of the trees by strata , the estimation of the total trees, standard deviation of each stratum, coefficient of variation, 90 percent confidence interval and percentage of error of the average of the trees by strata, confidence interval and percentage of error of the total trees sampled , allocation proportional to the size of the stratum with a confidence level of 90 percent (recalculate the size of the sample), the hectares that need to be inventoried in each zone with an error of 10 percent and 90 percent confidence. Finally, the impacts of the property were identified and evaluated and the environmental program, protection, public use and the subprograms of monitoring, management of natural resources, environmental education, surveillance, recreation and tourism, maintenance and communication were established.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/2283
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Ambiental en Prevención y Remediación

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