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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa que administre las relaciones individuales y corporativas a través de un servicio personalizado de obsequios en la ciudad de Quito
Autor : Albán Ponce, María Verónica
Tutor : Torres Fernández, José Patricio
Fecha de publicación : 2013
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2013
Citación : Albán Ponce, M. V. (2013). Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa que administre las relaciones individuales y corporativas a través de un servicio personalizado de obsequios en la ciudad de Quito (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El presente trabajo busca conocer la factibilidad de introducir en el mercado ecuatoriano una empresa que administre las relaciones individuales y corporativas a través de un servicio personalizado de obsequios en la ciudad de Quito; se busca que las personas confíen mucho para administrar sus relaciones personales y corporativas. Analizando la industria, se encontró que, en la actualidad, no existe un servicio igual al que se propone en este proyecto. Así mismo, se puede observar que no existen barreras de entrada en este negocio, con lo que incursionar en el mismo sería fácil…
Descripción : This work deals with the feasibility of introducing in the Ecuadorian market a company that manages individual and corporate relationships through personalized service of gifts in Quito. We want people to trust us, so we can manage their personal and corporate relationships. Analyzing the industry, we found that, at the present, there is not a service equal to the one that we proposed in this project. It also shows that there are no barriers to entry in this business, which dabble in it would be easy. A point to consider is the replacements, as it can find a large number of these. According to market research conducted, there are approximately 144,000 people in the metropolitan district of Quito and Cumbayá, who were identified as potential customers and reported strong and favorable opportunity to acquire our service. As for marketing, we decided to exploit distribution channels that currently in our country are not used; The Web, we want to demonstrate that it is quite profitable to work with this type of distribution channels. We want to found the company raises PERAS AL OLMO LTDA., and create experiences that help improve personal relationships and business relationships for our customers through different techniques that involved people to feel identified with their environment. For this, we estimated that investment in this project is approximately USD $ 45,500 dollars, which are considered, the initial investment and the purchase of equipment, furniture and fixtures, office equipment, the purchase of a vehicle, expenses of constitution, and finally working capital. The company has a functional organization with a general manager and four departments (Administrative-financial-legal, commercial, logistics, and a marketing department innovation and technology), allowing the distribution and division of tasks, at the beginning the company is counted to start only with four people working.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/1364
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Marketing

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