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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa importadora y comercializadora de cerraduras de alta seguridad en la ciudad de Quito, provenientes de Bizkaia-España
Autor : Mero Aldaz, Xavier Marcelo
Tutor : Lascano Lozada, Diana Carolina
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2020
Citación : Mero, X. (2020). Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa importadora y comercializadora de cerraduras de alta seguridad en la ciudad de Quito, provenientes de Bizkaia-España (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El presente plan de negocios consiste en la creación de una empresa que importe y comercialice cerraduras de alta seguridad provenientes de España, actualmente la constante inseguridad en la capital y todo el país, ha sido una problemática para los hogares y espacios que requieran seguridad, este tipo de cerraduras pueden ser instaladas en puertas de madera, metal y aluminio, es por ello que pueden ser adaptadas a diferentes ambientes...
Descripción : The present business plan consists of the creation of a company that imports and commercializes high security locks from Spain. Currently, the constant insecurity in the capital and the whole country has been a problem for homes and spaces that require security, this type of locks can be installed on wooden, metal and aluminum doors, which is why they can be adapted to different environments. Although it is true that there are several substitute products for this lock, what makes it a product with high demand is the high degree of technology and attributes that it possesses within which they are: the high degree of security to the being made of stainless steel, with bars or bolts of reinforced steel closing, which cannot be cut by saws or some other tool of cut, in addition its quality of being interchangeable the pieces in case of some damage, causes that this lock is an investment in security in the case of requiring a piece. Through the analyses carried out, it was determined that the construction industry has had a growth of 7.5 percent (SAIKU, 2018), which means that it has been increasing construction projects since the repeal of the Capital Gains Law that affected the sector so much. After the investigation it was obtained that this product has a target market of 80507, divided between families and construction companies or companies that require the lock, all this in the city of Quito specifically in the north, valley of Tumbaco and Cumbayá, due to the high level of purchasing power. After concluding the financial analysis a positive NPV was obtained, the IRR being by far superior to the interest rate and with a recovery period of two years six months, which means that the project of importing and commercializing locks of Spanish origin has feasibility to be carried out so it can generate optimistic results.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/13229
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales

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